Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not 100% satisfied with your services, MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED has the solution for you - 100% satisfaction guarantee — unlimited rewrites for free. If you are not satisfied with the web-design, logo or other services of MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED you have 30-Day period. This 30-Day Guarantee gives you plenty of time to check content for color, high-quality, etc. If you are not satisfied with MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED services contact us within this 30-Day Guarantee period and we will provide you with unlimited rewrites for free until you are satisfied. Note: claims given after 30-Day Guarantee period are not valid.

Changing an Order
If you need to cancel your order, MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED. Note: if contact via e-mail please include the order number to the e-mail. If you have already completed an order and wish to add an additional information, content, etc contact MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED for assistance.
Note: if contact via e-mail please include the order number to the e-mail.
Please note, if your order has already been processed, you may not be able to cancel it.

Order Status
Check the status of any of your orders by visiting our MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED This is the easiest and fastest way to get the most current information regarding your order.
After you log in to member area an order summary page will provide you with detailed information about your current or past orders. If your order has not been processed you may modify or cancel your order from this page.

Phone Orders
Don't feel comfortable ordering products online? No problem! MENISTROW TRADE LIMITED. accepts orders over the phone. To order by phone, please contact us
Phone: +85258084782

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